5 positive effects that swimming has on our body

5 positive effects that swimming has on our body

5 positive effects that swimming has on our body

Virtually the whole body is active when swimming, but it can also help with our mood, as endorphins are released during swimming, which triggers positive effects in our brain. What other beneficial properties does swimming have on our body and ultimately on our mentality?

The lungs can function better

Regular swimming can be a good way to strengthen your lungs. With different swimming techniques and intensive swimming, the elasticity of the lungs and chest increases.

The joints become stronger

Because swimming supports almost 90% of our weight, it is a great type of exercise for those who suffer from joint pain or have arthritis, for example. Regular swimming reduces the risk of worsening arthritis, as this activity maintains muscle strength around the joints.

We actively consume calories when swimming

Swimming is a great activity that greatly contributes to our health, and at the same time it is a great way to burn extra calories. In 30 minutes of intense swimming, we can burn as many as 500 calories, which is twice as much as walking.

The aging process can be slowed down

In a study published in the Journal of Cardiology, researchers showed that swimming three to five times a week, three to five kilometers, can slow down the aging process.

Swimming can help you sleep better

When swimming, as already mentioned, almost all the muscles in the body work, and practically the whole body is active. If you are among the lovers of swimming, then you probably know that no other exercise can completely tire you, both mentally and physically, as swimming can.



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