If she tries to take over the relationship to test your dominance, you can’t let her

If she tries to take over the relationship to test your dominance, you can’t let her

You’ll understand that ladies tons of the time don’t have any downside prioritizing college or beat up a date. the rationale why, is as a result of for girls – selecting to specialize in chemical analysis or to specialize in her career may be a long run focus.

For example, recently Nicole Kidman took a break from Hollywood to focus on raising her children. You won’t see a man really taking a break from work to focus on his family – if anything he’ll work even harder when he has more mouths to feed. Now, because of the intensities of these 3 conflicts, she is forced to develop coping strategies to manage them. There are two very distinct coping strategies a woman can choose for each conflict.

Your laziness probably lead you to playing the female gender role, which in turn forced her to take on the male gender role. This happens for one of two reasons: either you became tired of always having to be logical and make decisions and wanted a break, or she tested you and you failed the test. If she tries to take over the relationship to test your dominance, you can’t let her. She’ll blame you for making her feel like a man if you don’t pass the test and she has to assume the male gender role, and you’ll blame her for making you feel like a woman.

Let’s say a company needs a new CEO, and they only have three months to get him. They really only have two different options. First, they can hire several guys, watch them all work on a trial basis, and at the end three months, pick the best one. Or, they can just pick the first guy they find who has the potential to be good enough, and train him to become a good CEO by the end of the three months. Neither one is a perfect strategy, but given the time constraint, both are viable options, with their own advantages and disadvantages. With women – she will either put a few guys on trial, to test them, and let them compete it out to see whose best in the long term. Or, will make a quicker decision, pick one of the first guys she thinks has potential and invest all of her time and energy to make him into the perfect boyfriend.


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