The pitfalls and benefits of summer romances

The pitfalls and benefits of summer romances

The pitfalls and benefits of summer romances

Clothes and sandals, bare skin and carefree days. Hormones go crazy and love is felt in the air. Summer is a time when more people create dating profiles, attend singles events, and prepare to meet new people – including on vacation and travel. But as with any love theme, summer romances can be a path to a broken heart or an unforgettable experience. How to get the best out of them?

Many mistakenly conclude that summer romances are only for the young and single – they can happen to anyone, regardless of status. However, there is a difference between their duration – it can all happen in just one night, others last as long as the holiday lasts, a third during the summer months. However, it is not uncommon for them to turn into serious partnerships over time. Experts have recorded some typical profiles of people who most often find themselves in summer romances, namely: a group of single boys or girls, an unmarried couple in a long-term relationship, and individuals who go on vacation alone. The important question, however, is, what do we want from such a relationship at all? Fun, relaxation, company, a new acquaintance, testing your own limits or maybe an opportunity for a long-term relationship and a new beginning?

What to look out for and what to know about summer romances?

Don’t jump to conclusions about what a person wants

It is wrong to conclude that the person you have met has the same or similar expectations about a summer relationship. Maybe you are looking for something serious and he / she is looking for something casual – or vice versa. Even if you think you are good at reading people and know how to judge their intentions, in this case, you better ask yourself three times if they are on the same wavelength. While many believe that talking about expectations is the kiss of death for a relationship, it’s still important not to skimp on immediacy. It’s a good idea to at least hint at your expectations in the beginning, as this can help you avoid misunderstanding, disappointment, and the awkward ending of a summer romance. By no means do you promise what you know you do not intend to fulfill.

Accept summer romance as… summer romance

The worst thing we can do with summer romances is to place too much hope in it. Of course, this does not mean that the emotions that pervade us in this carefree period are not real, but we must honestly ask ourselves whether this is the person we are seeing even after the summer has passed. The magic of summer romances often happens due to the idyllic environment (seaside towns, beaches, nightclubs…), greater openness and readiness for experiences, more bare skin and hormones. When we return to a well-established routine that is suddenly no longer so exciting, romance often disappears as well. We may see a person we found incredibly attractive in the summer with completely different eyes. This phenomenon can be seen in reality shows, where the feelings that awaken within a commune are artificially stimulated or. created.

The importance of responsibility

In fact, summer also means more bare skin and attractive bodies, which combined with a flood of exciting feelings and beautiful views leads to sexuality. Although it is quite easy to get caught up in the hot summer pulse, a certain amount of rationality still needs to be maintained. During summer romances, people become less serious and responsible, more spontaneous and eager to have fun. We can quickly find ourselves in a carefree rhythm and forget about the consequences that hot nights can bring. Remember protection if you don’t want to have a bitter memory and a bunch of complications due to a few headless nights in the arms of that beauty or beauty.

Take the opportunity

The charm of summer romances also lies in the fact that they offer us the opportunity to live beyond what is typical of our normal lives. It’s a kind of leap from the zone of the known, and experts call it an ’emotional springboard’. Namely, many in such an instant relationship, which is not always associated with a negative connotation, grow personally, get to know each other and strengthen their self-confidence. Having a person who doesn’t know us can be quite different than in a home environment, we can also be surrounded by people who don’t know us. In this case, such an attitude serves us to discover ourselves.

Yes or no?

Summer romances are also largely related to how we relate to sexuality and how we perceive relationships with the opposite sex. If one experiences sexuality as something sacred and reserved only for a serious relationship and a long-term partner, then close encounters are unlikely to happen. However, if sexuality for someone is just physical relaxation and fleeting sensual pleasures, the chances for romance are great. Everyone knows best where their limits are and where they are ready to go.



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