She Will Push You Out Of Her Life

She Will Push You Out Of Her Life

Even if you are great guy, and a girl gets a feeling she doesn’t deserve you, she will push you out of her life.

And that is what happened with one of my ex. Because I was too reactive to her depressions, and convinced her that she was OK, which fought her reality, and that is why she pushed me away. When I confronted her because of that, it was slightly better, but I was too reactive. Be the man means not to try avoiding negative situations, but confronting them, and learning from the experiences, even from bad ones.

1. It is cool in a shopping center to take a pen or something with you, and to tell a girl that you got it from a girl, and that you are looking for a present for her. You ask her how much an adventurer she is from 1 to 276. You say OK, good enough, you take her by her hand, and you to go shopping for a gift.

2. You are looking for or buying a belt, and asking women which one looks good on you, etc.

3. In both cases you can lead to going for a coffee, etc.

4. When you are at the coffee with a girl, let’s say the second day after a party, as soon as you see her, hug her and give her a kiss on the mouth. You need to set the frame. You are not here for a platonic relationship.

5. When you call a girl, be really nonchalant and relax, speak slowly like you are slightly high, don’t speak fast like you are embarrassed, or in a hurry. It is good to call when you are somewhere in company, or when you are going home, so you are not in your head. A mass text message is not a bad idea either. Make it easy: “A good day, I have no special plans, let’s have a beer together.”


Here belongs also if you brake up something, don’t freeze, if you screw something up, but comment your failure, no problems. Let ’ s say you want to kiss her and she moves away, you say, ah, awkward moment, you moved away from me just as I wanted to kiss you … If you say something stupid, you just say, nothing, let ’ s start from the beginning, or you say, you obviously aren ’ t the same as me, no panics, I ’ ve been a stand-up comic for a while, so I will soften you up.


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