How to start exercising again after a long break?

How to start exercising again after a long break?

How to start exercising again after a long break?

There are countless reasons to stop exercising, but if we swear by a healthy lifestyle, we know that people lack a lot of exercise at different times. Whether you’ve been exercising and exercising two or five times a week, whether you’re at home, in the park, or at the gym, and regardless of the type of exercise, there are some practical tips on how to move backwards. as optimally as possible.

Don’t overdo it
Maybe the reason you stopped exercising is pregnancy, maybe in the colder months of the year you don’t want to exercise, maybe you moved, maybe you changed jobs. Regardless of the reasons for stopping exercising, which are different for everyone, most of us are the same in something. Almost all people are re-exercising with all their might, and sometimes it seems like we want to make up for everything we haven’t done in weeks, maybe even months or years, in just one day.

Depending on how much time has passed since exercising, we need to start slowly again. If you exercised a week ago, of course there will be no major problems with exercise. But if a longer period has passed, start adding intensity slowly, as well as just strength, intervals, and duration of exercise.

Increase fluid intake, reduce alcohol
With each exercise, the amount of sweat increases and with it the body loses precious fluid. Make sure your body is properly hydrated, but at the same time consider reducing the amount of alcohol – it will only negatively affect your progress.

Be sure to eat properly
For a reason, they say that a proper and healthy diet is the most important thing in health, and especially in exercise. Depending on the lifestyle, the activity we choose, and ultimately our needs, we must choose a healthy diet that will further contribute to the activity and capacity of our body.

Re-create the routine
Some consider routine unnecessary, but various psychologists claim that we humans are creatures in habits. It only takes 21 days for a person to fully master the habit, a new way of life and a new way of thinking, and the same number of days you may need to re-engage in exercise. Three weeks may not seem like much longer as we read the article, but when we embark on this journey, one way or another, we see that sometimes we need steely nerves. Routine helps us not to deviate from the path and to stay motivated. You can also help yourself with various forms of rewarding or certain forms of treats.


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