Mistake no. 2: Trying to convince a person to like you.

Mistake no. 2: Trying to convince a person to like you.

Mistake no. 2: Trying to convince a person to like you.

What most do when they meet an attractive woman who doesn’t want, and doesn’t show any interest for them? He tries and he tries to convince her that he must be attractive and interesting for her. He tries everything possible, and hopes that the girl would eventually change her mind. She never will! He starts to push her away instead of attract her with his actions and courting style. So don’t waste your time. Remember!!!

You cannot convince a woman to think differently than she does, and there’s no common sense in it, not the one you could get at once. Making conclusions and stating why she isn’t attracted to you, and why she doesn’t feel anything for you, why there’s no real energy, chemistry, etc., is a waste of your precious time. Think about that a little. There isn’t a slightest possibility that you will change her thinking and feeling based on your constant persisting, courting, your actions, that are by the way practiced by the other men who are after her, and are your competitors. Have you ever asked yourself if you could be with a person you don’t find like able.

You were with her, you got to know her, but didn’t like a bit her looks and her character. Would you start to like her if she was fulfilling all your wishes, paying drinks, and taking you to expensive lunches? The answer is NO! Do you agree? I am 100% sure you do, but even these facts are still not enough.
We still consciously do all these things, and that is A HUGE MISTAKE!

When a person we are attracted to doesn’t take interest in us, we ask her, please her, offer her, buy presents to her, in short: we try all ways to change her mind to start liking us…. That will never work, BELIEVE ME!!!


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