Sweet and beautiful cake

Sweet and beautiful cake

If sweets and cakes could talk, I’m sure this cake would have a long stand up performance or poetry evening with the sounds of a violin that would last long into the night. And that love that knows no boundaries can truly be turned into a sweet that all taste buds flicker from, Rigojanci is the true proof. Whatever you turn, this is the chocolate cake you want / won’t have to fall in love with. If not for the fine chocolate taste, then at least for the story that accompanies it.

And this is the story of the famous Roma violinist Rigo Jancii, who, with his virtuoso violin playing skills and unprecedented charisma, succeeded in seducing the most beautiful woman of the time (late 19th and early 20th century) Clara Ward who was allegedly so beautiful that the then German emperor Wilhelm II banned the publication of her photographs because he considered her beauty disturbing. And there is nothing to dispute that beautiful Clara was not married at the time she met our Rigo and fell in love! And for the Belgian prince. Of course, the adulterous relationship escalated in the media, a scandal occurred and Clara divorced the prince and secretly married Rigo. So, my dear people, Rigo and Clara were the first celebrity couple to fill the yellow print columns of the time with their private life adventures.

And how did this cake come about?
And nothing out of the ordinary would have happened if cake had not appeared! The famous cake that cake gave to his lover Clara with the words: “Try it, it’s brown like my skin, sweet as your heart”.

Just as it’s disputed that Rigo said just that, it’s also controversial how this cake came about. Some say it was made by cake himself. Another that it was made by a pastry chef in Paris at Rig’s wish for Clara. We would probably dig a little more to find a few different versions. But what is undeniable is that this cake is a fantastic chocolate cake!

Since Rigo Jancsi and his Clara also lived in Rijeka for a while, where Rigo performed with his violin, in some ways cake started to conquer the rest of Croatia and the then Monarchy as a pastry classic. The cake has several different versions. It’s basically a chocolate chip cookie with chocolate cream. It is also popular in Hungary, and you can find it in a slightly darker variant. It all depends on the way the cream is prepared and the amount of chocolate.

However you choose to do Rigojanchi, you cannot go wrong. Because chocolate + sweet cream give an irresistibly fine combination. A combination that will make you fall in love with the power of Rig and Clara’s love from the early 20th century.



For a biscuit:

6 eggs
7 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons of cocoa
1 tablespoon chocolate powder
6 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons milk
For biscuit bay:
200 ml of chocolate milk
For the cream:

250 g of chocolate for cooking
500 ml of sweet cream
For glaze:

200 g of chocolate for cooking
50 g butter
3 tablespoons sunflower oil


Separate egg whites and egg yolks for the biscuit. Mix egg yolks with sugar, alternately flour, cocoa, chocolate powder and milk. Lastly, stir in the particularly beaten egg whites.
Pour the biscuit mixture into a large baking sheet over baking paper. Bake in oven at 180 * C for 20 minutes.

Remove the baking paper from the baked biscuit and cut it into two pieces to obtain two crusts. While the biscuit is still hot, pour it over either 200 ml of black coffee or 200 ml of chocolate milk.
For cream, melt chocolate in steam or in microwave. Whip the sweet cream into a firm whipped cream. Then add the melted chocolate to the sweet cream and mix well.
Melt the chocolate glaze over low heat with constant stirring of the chocolate, sliced ​​with butter and oil. The glaze must not come out!
Apply chocolate cream to the cooled part of the biscuit, cover with another part of the biscuit. Press the top of the biscuit slightly with the palms of the biscuit to blend in nicely so that the biscuit does not separate from the cream when slicing. Pour it all over with chocolate frosting. Allow the cake to cool and serve cut into the desired size.


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