That way, you can trick the brain

That way, you can trick the brain

That way, you can trick the brain

If it is often found on our menu, processed fast food is not only harmful to our physique, but also endangers our health. Why does our body get used to it so quickly, why do we crave it, and after all, how can we ‘trick’ our brains into not interfering with it?

The more sugar we eat, the more our body needs. Research on fast food and especially addiction to it says that addiction to it is very similar to other types of addiction – our brains get used to the ‘dose’ they get and want more and more. How can we achieve that we do not interfere with fast and processed food so often in the short term, but we get rid of it in the long run?

Replace the routine

For example, if you are used to walking to the vending machine at two every day at work and grabbing a snack or two, decide and try walking down the hall instead. A study cited by TheHealthy portal and published in PLoSOne in 2015, in which 48 people participated, showed that just a 15-minute walk temporarily reduces the craving for sweet snacks.

See labels

For some, something like this is completely unimaginable, but just looking at food labels reveals a lot. You don’t need to look for calories, it’s enough to look at the shelf life of the food. Fresh foods or those that are not processed do not last longer than a few days to two months. If the food you buy has a shelf life of several months or more than a year, avoid it. This also applies to sugary drinks.

Don’t buy processed foods

Decide and simply don’t buy the aforementioned food. ‘Far from the eyes, far from the heart’ is just one saying that holds true in this case as well. This type of food is easier to avoid if you do not have it at home.

Stock up on healthy snacks

When we decide to lose weight, or just a healthier lifestyle, and of course otherwise, we often can not avoid snacks. The latter are not a bad thing as long as we reach for healthy versions. Stock up on the ones you still love and avoid the ones you know are hurting you.

Reward yourself

Processed and fast food is not a bad thing from time to time. If you are embarking on the path of a healthy life, you can certainly afford such food from time to time, but this should be the exception rather than the rule. Set your own reward system and stick to it. In this case, you will also have more motivation.



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