This is a big misconception we have about fruit !

This is a big misconception we have about fruit !

This is a big misconception we have about fruit !

One of the biggest mistakes people make when eating today is that they are afraid of fruit, says nutritionist . They mistakenly think that they are full of sugar and that the fructose they contain can harm them. In fact, it is advisable to eat fruit even if we need to lose extra pounds.

Too many people are afraid to eat fruit because they know it contains fructose, which is a form of sugar. But this fear is unjustified, nutrition expert is convinced. It’s healthy to give up sugar, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up fruit. Let’s see why.

1. Fruit is not just fructose

“First, I would point out that it is very wrong to evaluate any food on the basis of one ingredient,”  The fruit does contain fructose, but also a lot of water, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial phytonutrients for us. In sweets, on the other hand, there is only plain white refined sugar, which has absolutely no health benefits.

2. It is very difficult to eat so much fructose that it could harm us

Of course, consuming excessive amounts of fructose can also harm us. But because the fruit contains water and fiber in addition to sugar and needs to be chewed, it saturates quickly. Therefore, it is practically impossible to eat so much fruit that its fructose could harm us. On the other hand, foods that contain plain white refined sugar are not filling. We can eat it very much and thus consume huge amounts of sugar without consuming anything, which is also beneficial for health. “Fruit has 5 to 25 grams of sugar on average per 100 grams. But who eats a pound of fruit?” . At the same time, we consume so much sugar with biscuits, cakes, ice cream and chocolate very quickly.

3. Our body is adapted to consume fructose

Due to fiber, the fruit is digested more slowly and fructose passes to the liver in smaller quantities. Therefore, the liver has no problems with it. Ordinary refined white sugar, on the other hand, is digested very quickly and reaches the liver in huge doses, which it is unable to deal with effectively. We need to be aware that people have been eating fruit for millions of years. Therefore, our body is very well adapted to consuming fructose.

4. It does not pose a problem even with weight loss

“Unnecessarily, for example, people avoid watermelon, which doesn’t have a lot of sugar at all,” the expert begins. “From practice, I can say that people who lose one kilogram a week can eat three to four pieces of fruit every day – two for a morning snack, two for an afternoon. Of course, it is about losing weight with a balanced diet – that is, they also enjoy pasta, risottos … “When losing weight only in the evening does not recommend too much fruit.

5. Caution only in diabetes

Only people with metabolic disorders such as diabetes should pay attention to how much fruit they eat. “They need to figure out how much fruit they can eat to make it even safer for them.”

6. Conclusion

“But because of the fruit, really no one has gotten diabetes yet or become overweight,” the expert smiles. He recommends eating 800 grams of fruits and vegetables a day. “What about fruit juices?” I still ask. “Only if we enjoy them as candy. But if we don’t understand that it’s candy, that’s bad.”


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