Tips: finding true love

Tips: finding true love

Do you know that there are toxic thoughts that block your path to happy love? If you are long lonely and fantasizing about true love, it is time to reset your thoughts and energy, Lovesens writes.

Here are some thoughts that keep you from finding true love:

1. Everyone who was good to me is busy right now.

This thought seems like you want the blame for your love failures to pass on to others. With these thoughts, you show that you have already given up on the search for love, and in doing so you are sending negative vibrations to the cosmos that keep you from seeing the chances of love.

2. “Men Scare Me”

Women with developed egos often have a repulsive attitude towards potential partners. But it happens because of the fear of being hurt. Show love signals, be kind, and give them a chance to meet you.

3. “Wounds from the past hinder me”

Wrong love experiences should not be a brake, but a “springboard.” You are now richer in the new lesson and you will know how to avoid bad choices and overcome problems more easily. Don’t go back but live NOW and let someone love you.

4. “I want to always be the center of my partner’s attention.”

As harmless as it may seem, this thought is wrong. Don’t expect a partner to have anything else in life but you. You are not his “reflection in the mirror” but a life companion. If you insist on constant attention and try to separate him from the rest of the world, your love will quickly run out.

5. “Revenge is a powerful lesson in love.”

If someone hurts you, you have two times – to leave or forgive him. Any revenge and punishment in love relationships leads to greater problems and blockages. Don’t let anger “swallow” love.

6. “It’s important that love is good.”

Wrong! Intimate relationships are a very important item in every relationship, but not the most important.

7. “The most important thing is that it looks good.”

At first, we fall in love with the physical appearance, but as the relationship develops, it loses importance. Don’t let anyone become a part of your life just because it looks beautiful and attractive.


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