You cannot totally love someone unless you love yourself

You cannot totally love someone unless you love yourself

The blame game always leads to break up. From now on, every time you’re tempted to burn your ex’s photos or tear up her letters, review this chapter for advice on how to break up like a man. A badass with women is a badass from the start of the relationship to the end!

– Be careful where you walk. – Are you old enough to be working in a bar? – I take girls under their arms and say: Hey, where are you taking me tonight? – Cool scenes with a cell-phone, you put your cell-phone to her purse with your number memorized under answer, and you call her from another phone. – A cool scene for seaside, you come by with a towel on your back, you do half of a forward roll, you fall on the ground and lie there on the pillow with your hand under your head, and for a cool addition a friend tosses you a beer. – Your love for you is as a diarrhea, I cannot keep it to myself anymore. If a guy goes to buy chewing gum in the store it looks like this: Puts something (whatever) on, goes to the car, drives to the first gas station, buys the first chewing gum he sees, goes home. If a girl buys chewing gum it looks like this: Gets ready, sits in the car, did I lock the door, what gas station should I go to, who will I bump into at the gas station, which chewing gum should I buy, is my hair all right, what if I meet a guy I like, should I also buy some milk?

  • “I want to be in a relationship because it’s easier for me than being alone.”

The most important prerequisite for a fulfilled love life is primarily the developed love for oneself. You cannot totally love someone unless you love yourself. Learn to enjoy your company, give yourself a wonderful LOVE. This way you develop emotional intelligence and better manage yourself in relationships.

  • “You will never find a better person than me.”

Where the ego develops, that love fades. Stop saying that you are the best choice for him. Modesty is a virtue that awakens the magic of love.

  • “I’m fine. I’m not mad!”

Every time you hide your emotional state from your partner, you endanger your relationship. Talk about each problem, openly express your feelings, and it will be easier to get past any trouble in the relationship.


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